Greetings in Bambara Bamanankan foli kɛ cogow

Language: Chinese

Greetings are important in West Africa. In Mali, locals can greet each other for minutes. Learning one or two phrases is essential for daily exchange. 

According to the time of the day: 

In the morning, you can ask people : ” Hɛrɛ sira (wa)? ” word-by-word “Peace spent night?” 

hɛrɛ: peace
si: spend night
-ra: past tense 
wa: yes-no question mark. 

Means “You had a good night? “ or “ You slept well (last night) ? “ 

To answer, you can say ” (Awɔ), hɛrɛ sira. “ , ” (Yeah), I slept well. ” 

or ” Basi foyi tɛ yen. ” There isn’t any trouble. ” means ” I am fine. ” 

Awɔ: yeah
Basi: trouble 
foyi: nothing / any
tɛ: there isn’t 
yen: there

Then you can ask : “ I yɛrɛ dun? “ means “ And you? “

I: you
yɛrɛ: self 

“ Good morning! “ You can say : “  I ni sɔgɔma.”


Literally means “ You and morning. ”

Man will reply : ” Nba, i ni sɔgɔma. ” 
Woman:  ” Nse, i ni sɔgɔma.   ” 

Even during the lunch time, from 11 to 2pm, you can greet to someone: “ I ni tile. “ 

Man responds: “ Nba, I ni tile. “ 
Woman: “ Nse, I ni tile. “ 

Nba is the male response to greetings.
Nse is the female one.

” Good afternoon.” from 2 to 6pm, “ I ni wula.”

“Good evening. “, ” I ni su. ” 

” Hello. ” to one person, ” I ni ɲantuma. ” can be used in anytime of the day except in the morning, people do prefer saying ” I ni sɔgɔma. ” or ” Hɛrɛ sira? ”

Aw: you (Plural)

To two or more people, use “ aw “ instead of ” i “. 

When arrive at someone’s family, say to them:

“Aw ni sɔgɔma/tile/wula/su.” , ” Good morning/day/afternoon/evening. ” 

Or ” Aw ni ɲantuma. “,  “Hello everyone.”

They can respond with

” Nba Hɛrɛ sira wa? ” , ” You slept well? ”
” Nba, I ni su. ” , ” Good evening. “.

or other phrases.

It’s common to ask about someone’s family, even though you have never met them. 

” So mɔgɔw bɛ di ? ” , ” How is your family? ” 

So: family, home 
mɔgɔ: person 
-w: plural 
bɛ: to be 
di? how 

To answer: “ Basi foyi t’u la. “
“There isn’t any trouble at them. ” -› “They are fine. ” 

Other phrases for greetings: 

” I ni cɛ. “, ” Hi there.”
“Nba, i ni cɛ.”, “Hi.”

“ I ka kene (wa) ? “ , ” Are you in health? ” 
“ Tɔrɔ tɛ. “ , ” No pain. ” -> ” I am feeling well. ” 

“ Kɔri basi t’i la ? “ , “Are your fine? ” 
“Basi tɛ n na. I yɛrɛ dun? “ , “I’m fine. And you? ” 

“ Kan djumɛn bɛ? ” / Kow bɛ cogo di? “ / “ Kow kanyi/ kow kaɲi ? ” / ” A bɛ di? ”

” What’s new? ” / ” How’s everything? ” / ” How’s going? ”

Answers: ” Kan fosi tɛ.” / “A tɛ cogo la. “ / ” A ka fisa. ” 
“As usual. ” / “Things as they were. ” / ” I am okay. ”



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